British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SO SOG A8 - Ditchling Common, East of Burgess Hill, 18/01/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 2.4km, climb: 45m, 15 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Orange | Yellow
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Belinda MahonSOF197600:31:13
2Beatrice WatersSOF197200:31:14
3Sophia BowesSOF200900:31:44
4Neil WattsSOM195700:33:37
5Emily WatersSOF201100:41:24
6Nick RobertsSOM197000:42:16
7Tim HulleySOM196100:43:20
8Brian FarhallSOM194300:43:34
9Sarah LoweSOF197000:45:23
10Sue PearsonSOF195100:48:21
11Alison SharpSOF195600:48:35
12Lisa FulcherSAXF197100:51:59
13John PittamSOM195000:56:03
14Johanna Warner-SwannSOF197000:57:01
15Brian RodgersSOM194800:58:23
16Laura BoltonF198000:59:01
17Sue GallagherSOF195301:03:14
18Sybil PithieF200401:07:28
19Christopher BradfieldSOM194801:44:04
-David WhiteSOM195200:58:32
Showing results 1 - 20 of 20