British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gillingham Urban (UKOL), 08/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
WV (length: 8.225km, climb: 60m, 20 controls)

Other courses: MO | MV | WO | MUV | WSV | 5 | MHV | WHV | WUV | JM | JW | 7 | YJM | YJW

Point calculations
1,093.92 + (106.75 x (2,990.11 - T)) / 526.79
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Quentin HardingCLAROM196200:36:321256
2Dil WetherillWAOCM196400:38:031237
3Neil CrickmoreSOM196200:39:471216
4Mike TrotmanHHM196900:41:021201
5Paul ThwaitesSOCM196200:41:331195
6Roger ThetfordTVOCM196200:41:481192
7David HodsonHHM196400:41:491191
8Ian RobertsMVM196600:41:501191
9John MethvenBKOM197000:43:081175
10Clive RichardsonWREM196600:43:411169
11Jeremy TongeBOKM197000:44:311159
12Mike BrettBAOCM196400:45:001153
13Craig SmithBOKM196700:45:181149
14Victoria McCreadieWIMF198100:48:131114
15Hannah NesbitHHF197400:48:281111
16Megan AshtonRNOCF198500:50:001092
17Sian MitchellHHF197800:51:411071
18Mark LightSOCM196800:53:051054
19Tony UdrisSYOM196900:54:381036
20Peter MartinMVM196100:54:481034
21Adrian WiseSNM196100:56:181015
22John MarshSOM196700:57:52996
23DAVID FAULKNERBOKM196200:58:35988
24Hanna BiernackaWAOCF197600:59:56971
25Chris WilsonWIMM196101:00:32964
26David PotterBOKM196201:03:43925
27Andrew WardSOM196101:03:56923
28Tess KnightKERNOF197301:09:36854
29Richard HornerM196501:10:12
30Lap On LeungHOCM196601:18:14749
31Amanda PeroniF197001:29:23
-Nick NourseNWOM196200:48:35
-Vesela ChokoevaSLOWF197300:53:57
-Angela ModicaDEVONF197100:56:13
-Sarah Covey-CrumpSAXF197600:57:00
Showing results 1 - 35 of 35