British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SO SOG S1 - Eartham South, 01/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 3.5km, climb: 100m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Orange | Yellow
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1JAMES PITHIESOM196100:32:04
3Kate TurnerSOF197300:45:58
4Mike RalphSOM195800:46:58
5Jane KingSOF195600:47:18
6Di TurnerSOF195100:49:11
7Dave GednySOCM198100:49:21
8Kate GednySOCF198300:49:30
9Sybil PithieF200400:51:57
10Linda HulleySOF195600:53:40
11Francis MansfieldSNM201400:54:24
12Vic BevanM196000:56:39
13Otis RobertsSOM200901:00:59
14Bruce DupeeSOM194801:01:06
15Sarah LoweSOF197001:02:33
16Karen AshworthSOF196701:03:14
17Lorna LindfieldSOF194601:08:46
18Harriet DaseySOF202401:08:56
19Sue PearsonSOF195101:11:44
20John PittamSOM195001:26:13
21Vicki BarkawaySOCF195301:35:07
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21