British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Welsh Championships, 02/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 5.9km, climb: 210m, 16 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Short Brown | Short Blue | Green | Short Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow
Point calculations
1,148.25 + (73.90 x (4,128.16 - T)) / 636.48
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Robin IrwinSBOCM200900:42:481329
2Eben HigginbottomDEEM200900:53:521252
3David GrayMDOCM197900:55:421240
4Jim TruemanMDOCM196400:57:241228
5Ian JonesERYRIM196800:57:351226
6Phil ScarfEPOCM196300:57:511225
7Niall ReynoldsSBOCM196101:02:091195
8Sebastian LyneNGOCM201001:02:30
9Jon HateleyDEEM196301:04:291178
10Robert Campbell-RoscoeDRONGOM196601:04:511176
11Richard SharpTVOCM196401:06:481162
12Jenny WilliamsonERYRIF198301:07:071160
13Pauly JonesDEEM196501:10:041139
14Ifor PowellBOKM196801:10:051139
15Bethan IrwinSBOCF197801:10:241137
16Tony CallowWREM196601:12:421121
17Ian HopkinsWREM196601:13:151117
18Dave BalesBOFM195501:13:151117
19Peter BlackmoreHOCM200901:13:331115
20David McCannMDOCM196301:13:481113
21David WatheyMDOCM196501:15:161103
22Marc EbanksSNM197001:16:381094
23Adrian MoirSWOCM196101:17:361087
24Lizzie IrvineERYRIF198401:23:591042
25Debbie ManningSWOCF199201:24:351038
26Robin BishopTVOCM196701:24:511036
27Johanna PowellWAOCF197601:27:031021
28Philip JenkinsSBOCM196601:30:30997
29Jenni NellistSBOCF197801:34:34969
30Alison HighSOF197701:35:25963
31Tania MilnesSROCF197601:37:39947
-Andy QuickfallSROCM195701:12:07
-Julia JonesERYRIF197602:05:14
Showing results 1 - 33 of 33