British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Devon South West League - RESCHEDULED, 02/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 3.2km, climb: 65m, 13 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
796.98 + (73.88 x (3,684.45 - T)) / 599.79
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Chris VirgoDEVONM195000:46:07910
2John TraylerQOM194400:49:08888
3Tony HextQOM194800:49:12887
4Ruth LandriganBOKF198000:49:12887
5Brian HartDEVONM194500:52:23864
6John PearceDEVONM194400:55:13843
7Robert ForsterDEVONM194300:55:43839
8Neil CleggDEVONM195800:56:03837
9Adele ApplebyQOF196300:57:07829
10Christopher MoonBOKM195000:58:50816
11Carol PearceDEVONF194501:00:38803
12Kathy WhiteheadDVOF195801:02:20790
13Robert SmithDEVONM195201:02:25790
14Kim BoswijkDEVONF195901:04:35774
15Ruth ChestersDEVONF195001:04:43773
16Roger CraddockQOM194101:05:05770
17Sue ToomerQOF195501:05:42765
18Denise MullinsSARUMF195101:06:07762
19Edmund CooperDEVONM201101:06:41
20Mike KiteWIMM194701:06:47757
21Christine KingBOKF194901:08:31744
22Karen LewisQOF196601:13:46706
23Jill GreenDEVONF194401:23:00637
24Dawn WilliamsonDEVONF195901:23:03637
25Philippa BushellDEVONF196201:25:08622
26Michelle WardNGOCF197001:29:04593
-David LivseyDEVONM193901:13:10
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27