British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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GO SE League and SE Long Champs, 02/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 7.1km, climb: 150m, 22 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Sh Brown | Sh Blue | Green | Lt Green | Sh Green | V Short Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
1,106.17 + (79.91 x (4,388.42 - T)) / 949.60
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Sarah RollinsSNF197600:47:501234
2Ben ChapmanSOM200900:50:271221
3Jonah HearnWCHM200900:52:391210
4Stephen KeyesSNM196100:53:021208
5Kevin FieldingHHM196800:55:511193
6Henry LaneHHM200900:56:551188
7Zlatko PeevSLOWM197000:57:021188
8Peter ChapmanSOM196400:58:381179
9Melanie SladeSNF196800:58:461179
10Sarah ScarbroughMVF198201:01:401164
11Ian RobertsMVM196601:03:031157
12Carys MorganSLOWF197601:04:291150
13Nick GreenGOM196201:05:121146
14Helen MarsdenHHF197601:05:221145
15Jon ChandlerLOKM196701:05:521143
16Mark FelthamMVM196201:06:281140
17Mark ChapmanSOM196101:06:531138
18Trish MonksBKOF197501:07:551133
19Craig BlackfordBADOM196801:08:441128
20Michael MuggeridgeHAVOCM196101:10:341119
21Adrian WiseSNM196101:10:391119
22Keith BennettDFOKM197201:11:361114
23Mel TaylorSAXM196401:14:041101
24Alan HicklingSAXM196401:15:491093
25David HodsonHHM196401:16:491088
26Peter MartinMVM196101:18:001082
27John TzanetisDFOKM196701:21:381063
28Tim KeoghMVM196301:25:071046
29Andrew HeaneySNM196601:25:171045
30Helen Le PageSNF197601:27:111035
31Chris PooleTVOCM196101:27:191035
32Kevin ParkesHHM195801:27:491032
33Harriet TrefusisSOF199101:30:331018
34Dimitre PoydovskiDFOKM197101:37:32983
35Gerry AllanBAOCM196701:37:39982
36JB Rae-SmithDFOKM196301:40:36968
37Richard BostockDFOKM196401:45:14944
38Nigel ClemensSLOWM196301:54:05899
39Paul WilsonSOM196202:01:05864
40Barney IleyINDM200402:09:12
-Neil SpeersDFOKM196601:07:15
-Tim HulleySOM196101:24:39
-Nicki AdamsSLOWF197801:26:26
-Ian JohnsonSOM196101:38:26
Showing results 1 - 44 of 44