British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup Heat, 23/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
4 (length: 6.4km, climb: 240m)

Other courses: 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8A | 8B | 9A | 9B | 10 | Light Green | Yellow

Point calculations
1,119.57 + (109.20 x (4,573.50 - T)) / 1,165.26
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Peter WardNGOCM197000:50:271264
2Will KromhoutQOM197200:53:001250
3Andrew TindalBOKM196601:01:201203
4Ian JonesNGOCM196601:02:151198
5James ClemenceSWOCM196001:03:121193
6Brian PearsonQOM196001:04:201186
7Paul GebbettBOKM196901:06:261175
8Malcolm HiltonDEVONM196701:06:401173
9Jolyon MedlockWSXM197401:07:091171
10John TownsendSWOCM196301:07:531166
11Peter ClothierBOKM197001:11:521144
12Jason FalconerWSXM197101:13:121137
13Rob WoodsRAFOM196901:13:301135
14Anthony RavenSWOCM197201:14:071131
15Chris TurnerWIMM196301:14:171130
16Ifor PowellBOKM196801:14:541127
17Ivor MarshallKERNOM196801:15:421123
18Luke BrownBOKM197501:16:431117
19Gareth IrwinSBOCM197201:18:541105
20Andrew ReynoldsDEVONM196601:19:461100
21Damian WilsonDEVONM197001:21:521088
22Bernhard HagenBOKM197301:22:341084
23Philip JenkinsSBOCM196601:25:451066
24Brian FletcherQOM197201:26:431061
25David PillingBOKM196601:29:471043
26John GreenhalghQOM197301:52:57913
27Nick HeckfordWSXM196802:27:37718
-Martin MillerWSXM197201:39:52
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28