British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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BOK Local event, 01/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Orange (length: 2.725km, climb: 55m, 8 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Light Green | Yellow | White
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Gareth WilliamsINDM198500:21:57
2Chris WhitehouseINDM198500:29:23
3Clare BernsteinINDF200400:41:50
4Cam BreezeINDM201200:47:13
5Matt BairdINDM198000:47:18
6Thomas DilleyNGOCM201200:47:35
7Stephen DilleyNGOCM197700:49:09
8Arthur MurrayBOKM201000:54:43
9Nicholas IrelandBOKM201300:54:48
10Anastasia IrelandBOKF197500:54:55
11Antony IrelandBOKM197300:55:55
12Esther JohnsBOKF201200:58:49
13Grace CurtisBOKF200401:01:45
14Aina WestUBOCF200601:02:31
15Aidan PriceINDM200401:04:10
16Juliet HorsfieldBOKF201201:04:28
17Gilad SmithINDM200601:06:12
18Amy Elizabeth WattsBOKF201101:06:42
19Simon LottBOKM197701:07:23
20Emma PattulloBOKF197301:11:33
21Patrick WoodcockBOKM198201:14:22
22Louise CraddyINDF201401:22:44
23Charmaine SewUBOCF200401:26:44
24Elsie CatonBOKF201001:45:39
25Florence RobinsonINDF201401:56:14
26Merryn ReidBOKF201501:56:22
27Cicely JohnsBOKF201401:56:25
28Sybil RobinsonINDF201501:56:35
29Polly RobinsonINDF198501:57:05
30Ola PriceBOKF201502:05:06
-Tracey CasburnINDF198500:47:02
-Ben LoweBOKM201000:59:13
-Robert KerrBOKM193901:39:12
-Ivy TheilkerIND000001:57:10
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34