British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup Heat, 23/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
4 (length: 6.6km, climb: 125m, 20 controls)

Other courses: 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8A | 8B | 9A/B | 10 | 11 (Light Green) | 12 (Yellow)

Point calculations
1,120.99 + (99.73 x (3,748.64 - T)) / 629.88
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Nigel BunnTVOCM196400:45:211284
2John Hill-VenningSNM197300:47:361262
3Roger ThetfordTVOCM196200:49:041248
4Richard BarrettBAOCM197000:49:441242
5Andrew SnellSOCM197400:50:001240
6Marc BalstonSARUMM197100:52:061220
7Paul KeebleSNM196900:53:201208
8Tony BurtonMVM196400:53:391205
9Keith BelseySNM196700:55:081191
10Adrian ButterSNM197500:55:161189
11Cameron LamondSNM197000:57:511165
12Nick GreenGOM196200:57:581164
13Simon KippinTVOCM197000:59:321149
14Paul LaneSARUMM195700:59:471147
15Nick NourseNWOM196201:00:401138
16Keith MassonMVM196001:00:571136
17Martin KensettSNM196601:02:491118
18Peter Peter GilderNWOM197101:03:211113
19Mike FrizzellBADOM195801:04:391100
20Vladimir KuznetsovTVOCM195601:06:151085
21Jon VaughanBKOM197501:07:091077
22Marcus WhiteSOCM196701:08:331063
23Jon SteedBADOM196301:10:071048
24Stuart EbbrellBAOCM197401:10:471042
25Craig OgilvieSNM196901:11:381034
26Mark LightSOCM196801:12:531022
27Andrew HeaneySNM196601:13:041020
28Jon DarleyGOM196601:14:231008
29Simon TurtonBKOM196501:14:261007
30Martin DennettTVOCM197101:14:541003
31Doug GreenwoodSOCM197301:15:41996
32Stephen GurdSNM196801:29:50861
33Kevin HeatonNWOM197001:37:18790
34Steven CarleMVM197102:38:26209
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34