British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SOUL & UKUL 2 - Musselburgh, 02/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 4 (length: 6.5km, climb: 60m, 33 controls)

Other courses: Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

Point calculations
1,050.80 + (95.04 x (2,775.83 - T)) / 638.21
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1John EmbreySROCM195800:32:451172
2Keith TonkinBLM195800:34:161158
3Alison CunninghamFVOF196300:37:491126
4Heather FellbaumFVOF196300:37:551125
5Helena NolanESOCF196600:40:091105
6Cathy TilbrookFVOF196700:40:291102
7Terry O'Brien BEMSTAGM195800:40:301102
8Kevin HardingESOCM195900:41:421092
9Martin CaldwellESOCM195300:42:051088
10Eileen MaxwellRRF196300:42:131087
11Katherine KirkESOCF196800:42:361084
12John CampbellKFOM195700:43:011080
13Laura FarquharsonGRAMPF196700:44:491064
14Elizabeth CampbellMORF196500:45:121060
15Tricia AlstonINTF196300:46:011053
16Emma AndersonESOCF197000:46:051052
17Heather DudleyINTF199500:48:101034
18Hanne RobertsonESOCF197000:48:321031
19James PurvesRRM195700:52:03999
20Michael DohertyINTM199500:52:37994
21Andrew ArmstrongRRM195700:53:06990
22Bridget KhursheedRRF196501:02:44904
23Jamie WilsonELOM196001:10:54831
24Chloe GrattanTAYF200701:21:05740
-Eddie HarwoodMORM195200:41:27
Showing results 1 - 25 of 25