British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Cumbrian galoppen, 02/03/2025

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 3km, climb: 170m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow
Point calculations
891.56 + (96.70 x (3,586.27 - T)) / 957.74
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Richard TowlerLOCM194900:37:381026
2Ian TeasdaleWCOCM196000:40:151010
3Roy DawsonNATOM194800:41:481000
4Susan SkinnerWCOCF196400:45:22979
5Claire BoothroydWCOCF196700:45:25979
6Joanne HaslettLOCF198000:46:00975
7Dave NeildLOCM194700:46:37971
8John BroadheadLOCM195500:47:58963
9Dave McQuillenSOLWAYM194300:48:05962
10Gill BrowneLOCF195500:50:05950
11John NashLOCM195000:50:37947
12Tony DuncanWCOCM194300:50:57945
13Patricia DaviesBLF195500:53:44928
14Kim LeslieWCOCF196300:55:07920
15Carol McNeillLOCF194400:56:23912
16Martin PowellLOCM195100:56:23912
17Cathy HinkinsLOCF198200:58:23900
18Elizbeth ElliottWCOCF194901:00:38886
19Debbie WatsonWCOCF195801:06:41850
20Judith FilmoreLOCF195801:09:45831
21Helen NeildLOCF194701:09:53830
22Janet NashLOCF195101:11:22821
23Catherine DawsonNATOF195301:17:47782
24Janice NicholsBLF195901:20:29766
25Gwen ReaWCOCF195201:20:39765
26Alan HeppenstallLOCM194201:29:09714
27Nancy Powell DaviesBLF195001:42:18634
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27