British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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British Night Championships (UKOL), 08/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 3 (length: 5.175km, climb: 280m, 16 controls)

Other courses: Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9
Point calculations
1,259.05 + (71.90 x (4,527.97 - T)) / 1,348.37
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Finn Selmer DuguidTAYM200800:47:031350
2Julian SimpsonCLOKM197500:54:571325
3Will HensmanFVOM197900:54:571325
4Laurence WardINTM200700:55:071324
5Nick BarrableSYOM197400:56:041321
6Oscar PeelSYOM200800:57:061318
7Finlay McLuckieMORM200800:57:211317
8Toby HeppellWCOCM200800:58:161314
9David GodfreeFVOM197400:58:551312
10Isaac HunterWCOCM200700:59:581309
11Roger GoddardFVOM197401:02:311300
12Rory BlackINVOCM200701:02:351300
13Daniel GoochMAROCM197101:05:411290
14Iain CattermoleSTAGM199701:05:501290
15Alan HartleyBLM197401:05:531290
16Sam NewSTAGM199701:06:331288
17Robbie LightfootSYOM200801:06:511287
18Sam OsborneLOCM200801:11:341272
19Rory SlaterFVOM199201:17:141253
20Ben BrownESOCM200101:18:121250
21Tommi GroverBOKM197601:19:471245
22Robert ElstonSARUMM200001:21:491239
23Michael OsborneLOCM197601:22:561235
24Alistair DuguidTAYM197501:24:191231
25Ben TodhunterSROCM200801:28:361217
26Steven ScottBOFM197301:29:161215
27Jordan MatthewsMAROCM199701:30:001213
28Mark StodgellWCHM197201:30:141212
29Francis ShillitoeNATOM197401:36:141193
30Michael StanwixINTM199801:38:341185
31Rob TruswellFVOM197801:46:371159
32Alastair DunlopCLYDEM197302:02:411108
33Paul GregsonODM197902:33:001011
-Lewis BalfourNATOM198001:49:29
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34