British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Welsh Championships, 02/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Blue (length: 5.025km, climb: 165m, 14 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Green | Short Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow
Point calculations
1,031.94 + (92.33 x (4,783.50 - T)) / 849.09
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Mark SaundersBOKM195900:52:521207
2James ClemenceSWOCM196000:52:591206
3Jenny HemingERYRIF197101:01:021154
4Mike GoldthorpeWREM195801:07:081114
5John BrittonMDOCM195101:09:221100
6Richard RogersWREM196201:10:361091
7Karen FrenchWIMF196701:11:351085
8Diane JacksWREF196801:12:211080
9Evie HughesERYRIF201001:15:12
10Sarah BaylissWREF196801:16:071055
11Sasha HabgoodSBOCF197201:17:351046
12Christopher CalowDEEM195201:17:511044
13Bronwen DoyleSYOF196701:19:161035
14Cat EdwardesDEVONF197001:19:451032
15Olwen BainesERYRIF200901:19:531031
16Jenny EwelsDEEF197301:21:461019
17Jim WoodERYRIM196001:23:391006
18Sophie BrownAIREF197101:23:481005
19Mike KaySBOCM195301:25:22995
20Jane McCannMDOCF196601:27:00984
21Mike SnellERYRIM195601:27:22982
22Leanne CallaghanINDF01:28:03
23Mick HunterNWOM195501:32:33948
24Peter RibbansSWOCM195701:34:48934
25Sally RossSBOCF196701:34:51933
26Rod ManselSUFFOCM195901:36:09925
27Kerstin MitchellHOCF196601:36:48921
28Elizabeth BalesPOTOCF196201:39:03906
30Rebecca McCreadieDEEF197602:08:28714
Showing results 1 - 30 of 30