British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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AIRE Regional Event (replacement for the cancelled event from 5/1/25), 02/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 3.7km, climb: 80m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
885.99 + (71.94 x (3,591.37 - T)) / 504.94
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Richard PayneEPOCM195000:45:511006
2Gerry SymesAIREM194800:48:13985
3Pam BrownHALOF195900:50:25967
4Janet LeakeEBORF195900:51:21959
5Barrie SpeakeEBORM194100:52:23950
6Frankie SymesEBORM201000:55:17
7Ian Lyle CooperSYOM194700:56:38914
8Chris KirkhamMDOCM194700:57:37905
9Allen BarnesCLAROM194200:57:55903
10Victoria ToddEBORF198000:58:58894
11Ian CouchEPOCM194700:58:58894
12Stephen WarnerEPOCM195500:59:27889
13Graham ToddEBORM195001:00:32880
14Liz CarterAIREF195301:02:09866
15Wendy CarlyleAIREF195601:02:13866
16Roy LindsellEPOCM194401:02:14866
17Pippa RichardsonAIREF198001:02:54
18Anne WilsonAIREF195201:04:32846
19Chris BurdenAIREM194801:07:07824
20Mike CopeCLAROM194701:08:44810
21Jean PayneDEEF195301:10:26796
22Ian HillINDM195001:17:48
23Maria Van DamHALOF197001:22:05696
24Neil CroasdellEPOCM194801:22:39691
25Rachel WilliamsINDF198502:17:11
26Valerie VanmarckeF198002:25:59
-Paul JacksonEPOCM194401:02:52
-Gray BruceCLAROM196002:27:26
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28