British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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GO SE League and SE Long Champs, 02/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Green (length: 5km, climb: 110m, 19 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Sh Brown | Blue | Sh Blue | Lt Green | Sh Green | V Short Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
912.82 + (128.71 x (4,632.97 - T)) / 1,122.21
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Chris HookerSOM196100:53:031079
2Peter MartinSAXM194900:53:271076
3Sarah HowesSAXF195900:54:301069
4Jill BlountSOF196000:55:001066
5Stephen WaiteSAXM194900:55:101065
6Mike TurnerSOM195000:55:561059
7Matvei DnestrovskiiTVOCM201100:56:10
8Christine JepsonSOF195801:01:561018
9Lucy PatonSNF196101:03:191008
10Helen AshendenSNF196401:03:261008
11Laura ParkesHHF199201:06:05989
12Marion Payne-BirdGOF195801:07:17981
13Alison SmithTVOCF196401:11:02955
14Leianne UptonMVF196101:12:13947
15Nick HockeySOM194801:15:42923
16Sarah jane PlaceGOF196101:15:43923
17Mick SmithHHM194801:17:00914
18Karen JonesSLOWF196101:17:53908
19Edward FormanSOM195001:18:30904
20Gill SharpSNF195801:19:14899
21Sue HandsWIMF194801:19:19898
22Martin LockGOM194801:19:56894
23Mark ThompsonTVOCM195501:20:41889
24Catherine GalvinLOKF196201:23:25870
25Paul NevettGOM196401:23:36869
26Jane BlackfordBADOF196901:24:38862
27David FunnellSOM196401:32:35807
28Nicky MassonMVF196401:38:11769
29Peter RichesTVOCM195001:39:59756
30Linda HulleySOF195601:42:27739
31Viv HodsonHHF196401:42:57736
32Stephen GoodrumSNM196302:01:54605
33Ruth RhodesSOF194202:05:43579
34Ken LawtonSOM194202:10:35546
-Paul ByersMVM196001:10:42
-Nigel SakerSLOWM194801:33:54
-Barbara LugtonGOF195701:41:24
-Kate NevettGOF196302:11:30
Showing results 1 - 38 of 38