British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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HH SE League Event - Ashridge East, 02/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 4.175km, climb: 41m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Short Blue | Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
858.65 + (105.78 x (3,510.21 - T)) / 674.01
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Nicholas CooperSNM197500:28:441139
2Martin DennettTVOCM197100:35:151078
3Maggie SoulsbyHHF200600:41:021023
4Alice SoulsbyHHF200800:43:231001
5Jennie SoulsbyHHF197600:44:08994
6Mike MurraySLOWM194400:44:36990
7Anthony WalkerTVOCM196500:47:54958
8Stephen PendrighINDM199000:49:10
9Michael EdenBOFM200800:51:00929
10Joanna MeeSMOCF197700:52:33915
11Elisabeth DicksonBAOCF195800:52:43913
12Jon WheatcroftTVOCM195200:53:54902
13Tom EdelstenGOM194300:55:42885
14Teresa TurnerSLOWF194800:56:34877
15Zoe LangleyINDF199000:57:36
16Helen RiversGOF195401:00:53836
17Barry SowerbuttsSOCM195401:01:18832
18Rosie ShawSMOCF195001:01:51827
19Marie-Anne FischerTVOCF196101:02:17823
20Noreen IvesWAOCF195301:05:17795
21Helen SatterthwaiteHHF196801:05:20794
22Sofia MeeSMOCF201001:05:24
23Denise HarperBKOF195001:05:39791
24Ian SmithWAOCM195601:06:26784
25Richard SteptoeTVOCM194701:06:50780
26Helen wheelwrightSOCF195801:07:24775
27Cobie pui ching wongHHF200901:09:02759
28Alison CoweWAOCF197201:10:03750
29Barbara BeckettHAVOCF195501:10:51742
30Marion ShipmanLOKF196101:11:59732
31Peter EntwistleBKOM195001:15:42697
32Ros JamesSMOCF196101:17:48677
33John ManningINDM195501:17:59
34Barbara PageHHF196801:25:27605
35Sally CollinsBKOF195101:42:07448
36Ben RiversGOM194401:44:38424
-Penny ParkesHHF195702:48:19
Showing results 1 - 37 of 37