British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Plean Regional Event (UKOL), 09/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Carl Selmer DuguidTAYM201200:25:28
2Matthew OwenFVOM201200:30:45
3Emma DaleyESOCF201200:34:20
4Olexiy BogachovAYROCM201200:36:15
5Vira BogachovaAYROCF201200:38:47
6Esme FinchFVOF201200:39:44
7Caroline QuigleyFVOF198500:44:01
8Louise ClaytonESOCF198400:50:31
9Laura POLWARTFVOF197600:51:18
10William AtkinsonESOCM201100:53:58
11Chris FurseSTAGM196801:01:37
12Mia McLinticSTUOCF200401:25:38
Showing results 1 - 12 of 12