British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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British Night Championships (UKOL), 08/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 6 (length: 3.3km, climb: 165m, 14 controls)

Other courses: Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9
Point calculations
1,105.31 + (71.10 x (3,862.76 - T)) / 966.94
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Lucy WardINTF201000:43:19
2Keith TonkinBLM195800:45:201189
3John TullieRRM195700:45:431188
4John EmbreySROCM195800:45:511187
5Ellie TodhunterSROCF200900:46:291184
6Roger ThomasWCOCM196000:48:181176
7Esme KellyFVOF200900:49:211172
8Mark HollidayFVOM195600:50:521165
9Lucy WiegandSYOF196800:51:461161
10Helena NolanESOCF196600:52:011160
11Rob ParkinsonMORM195600:52:291158
12Ian DitchfieldMVM195600:57:151137
13Amanda CrawshawSYOF197000:57:281136
14Richard TileyLOCM195800:57:291136
15Mick LuckingNOCM195700:57:461134
16Diane JacksWREF196800:59:531125
17Isla SimpsonCLOKF200901:00:361122
18Richard OxladeESOCM195801:01:511116
19Eilidh ConnorFVOF201001:02:12
20Paul BradburySYOM195701:03:561107
21Cathy TilbrookFVOF196701:07:031094
22John LeesonHOCM195801:10:531077
23Sue BarrieMAROCF197001:18:58
24Kevan LathamLOCM195601:22:441024
25Ian DavidsonCLYDEM195701:22:461024
26Ewan CameronMAROCM195801:24:291017
27Julie Ferris-WorthBLF196701:25:271012
28Rachel WilsonCLYDEF196601:28:021001
29Peter CarterAIREM195701:30:33990
30Scott BaikieFVOM197501:32:41980
31Kerstin MitchellHOCF196601:40:13947
-Andy CreberNGOCM195800:41:30
-Andrew DaleyESOCM197101:30:21
-Hanne RobertsonESOCF197002:47:05
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34