British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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British Night Championships (UKOL), 08/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Course 7 (length: 2.875km, climb: 160m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 8 | Course 9
Point calculations
1,067.30 + (74.92 x (3,949.63 - T)) / 1,038.62
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alan RosenHHM195500:41:341172
2Alison CunninghamFVOF196300:43:271164
3Michael NapierLOCM195300:43:481163
4Steve WhiteheadEBORM195100:47:161148
5Hazel DeanFVOF196300:47:391146
6Philip EelesSOCM195500:49:481137
7Vicky ThorntonFVOF196100:51:131131
8Ann HaleyINTF196400:54:281116
9Marsela McLeodINVOCF196400:57:161104
10Susan SkinnerWCOCF196400:57:301103
11Stuart CrawfordWCOCM196801:03:361077
12Eddie HarwoodMORM195201:04:021075
13Cath LeeLOCF196201:08:081057
14Clare KemsleyBASOCF196501:10:061049
15Roy McGregorSROCM196601:10:171048
16Andy RobinsonLOCM195401:10:171048
17David RosenSROCM195301:11:481041
18John BrittonMDOCM195101:14:151031
19Eddie SpeakMDOCM195401:14:401029
20Matthew ClarkKFOM196701:14:471029
21Lesley GomersallGRAMPF196201:16:491020
22Grant CarstairsTAYM195401:23:03993
23Richard LlewellynNOCM195401:24:01989
24Sian CalowSROCF196101:34:17944
25Adele NewallWCOCF196101:53:54859
-Paul FergusonSROCM195100:25:33
-Joy CameronMAROCF196000:58:48
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27