British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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YHOA Night League, 08/03/2025

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Medium (length: 3.5km, climb: 60m, 25 controls)

Other courses: Long | Short
Point calculations
961.01 + (158.77 x (2,761.77 - T)) / 750.14
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Peter HainesAIREM195400:32:071138
2Wayne ByrneRAFOM198000:33:031126
3Mike ByronHALOM197500:35:541090
4Nigel OwensSYOM196600:37:231071
5Dave BrownHALOM195700:39:061049
6David DayCLAROM194800:40:341030
7Janet LeakeEBORF195900:42:371004
8Pam BrownHALOF195900:43:50989
9Karen ClarkEBORF195500:46:03961
10Ricardo Telmo Alves FernandesHALOM197300:47:41940
11Chris BurdenAIREM194800:58:21805
12Maurice KellyCLAROM196001:02:04757
13Karen CookHALOF196901:08:38674
14Henry MarstonSYOM194601:13:06617
Showing results 1 - 14 of 14