British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SOS The Naze, 16/06/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 5.2km, climb: 70m, 28 controls)

Other courses: Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
1,060.48 + (108.15 x (2,980.05 - T)) / 531.30
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Matthew ClarkeSUFFOCM200100:35:561228
2Douglas McTurkSOSM198800:38:021203
3Conor O'DonovanBOKM199000:38:171200
4David WilliamsHOCM196200:40:061177
5Russell LadkinWAOCM196900:41:05
6Tony BurtonMVM196400:41:591154
7Guy LidburyHAVOCM196900:42:441145
8Andrew HendersonWAOCM196400:42:581142
9Martin WalkerSOSM197300:44:091128
10Philip BartramNORM197200:44:401122
11Kevin MachinSOSM196000:47:101091
12David LumbySOSM196100:47:251088
13Gary FlynnLOCM199000:47:271088
14Russell PetersSUFFOCM197600:49:191065
15David SandersonSOSM196100:49:251064
16Steven PartridgeSOSM196900:50:121054
17John ClarkeSUFFOCM196800:51:521034
18Rachel McTurkSOSF198800:56:50973
19Ben ClarkeM200500:56:57
20Rini HoogkamerNORM195900:57:00971
21Dale BennettHAVOCM196400:58:05958
22Barbara GriessnerSLOWF197101:02:45901
23Gillian EdgarHAVOCF196601:04:15882
24Mike ElliotMVM195101:10:42804
-Donatas TumaitisCHIGM198400:41:02
-Darren CookDVOM197100:42:27
-Chris PantonSOSM197500:51:56
-Colin JacksonHAVOCM195901:04:42
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28