British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Ickworth South EAL, 02/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 9.5km, climb: 95m, 27 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Short green | Light Green | Red | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
1,192.11 + (104.59 x (4,605.38 - T)) / 741.45
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1David HodkinsonSUFFOCM198400:57:471353
2Matthew RochesterBOKM200101:02:341312
3Glen RichardsonNORM197801:04:191297
4Jonathan PyeWAOCM198701:06:121281
5David SparshottNORM198401:06:431277
6Tom BeskeenWAOCM198401:10:461243
7Daniel CowleyNORM198101:15:161205
8Ciel MatthewSROCF200601:19:291169
9Hannah NewtonSOSF199201:29:381083
10Joshua OvertonNORM199501:30:231077
11Matt EatonWAOCM198601:30:451074
12Clive WilkinsonSUFFOCM196201:31:361066
13DH SeoWAOCM199601:32:221060
14Michael ChoppingRAFOM195901:55:52861
15Stephen PrettySUFFOCM195701:58:55835
Showing results 1 - 15 of 15