British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Bulford Ridges - SWOL 1 & SCOL 1, 13/10/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 9.5km, climb: 255m, 22 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
1,227.77 + (60.52 x (4,568.33 - T)) / 551.16
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Tom BraySNM198600:59:291338
2Robert FinchNGOCM199201:02:551315
3Christopher RhodesBADOM198001:04:511302
4Ben ChestersDEVONM197801:05:141300
5Harry Bratcher-HowardWIMM200701:06:331291
6Iain LargeBOKM198901:06:511289
7Tom AlcockWIMM200001:07:441283
8Monty Bratcher-HowardWIMM200901:08:13
9Andrew SnellSOCM197401:10:141267
10Terence Desmond DickinsonBAOCM198201:11:281259
11Richard CottleBOKM196501:14:011242
12Robin MillsWIMM196501:16:341225
13Robert FieldhouseQOM200301:17:061221
14Hugh HolmesCLOKM199201:17:451217
15John OakesWIMM197201:18:121214
16James ClemenceSWOCM196001:18:301212
17Ed HalseySARUMM197501:20:001202
18Jon BrookeWSXM196601:20:451197
19James AgombarNGOCM200801:21:201194
20Oliver HeckfordWSXM200701:22:471184
21Richard SansburyQOM196901:24:481171
22Christopher KelseyBOKM195701:27:151155
23Philip HarveyWIMM197201:27:211154
24Andrew HowardWIMM197401:30:001136
25Chris TurnerWIMM196301:35:371099
26Jack KnightKERNOM200601:52:31988
-Doug StimsonNWOM198201:25:22
-Andrew ReynoldsDEVONM196601:29:19
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28