British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gillingham Urban (UKOL), 08/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
MO (length: 11.425km, climb: 80m, 28 controls)

Other courses: MV | WO | MSV | WV | MUV | WSV | 5 | MHV | WHV | WUV | JM | JW | 7 | YJM | YJW

Point calculations
1,233.63 + (100.84 x (3,234.62 - T)) / 499.43
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Jamie ParkinsonDEVONM199200:41:141387
2Thomas RollinsSNM200700:46:111327
3Oliver RantQOM199700:46:191326
4Sam LeadleyODM200000:46:221325
5Richard PriceHOCM199500:52:191253
6Oliver HeckfordWSXM200700:52:241252
7Paul TrussRAFOM198700:53:211240
8Romualdas StupelisHOCM198600:53:271239
9Paul TaylorTVOCM197600:54:151230
10Sam CottleBOKM199700:56:091206
11Jack KnightKERNOM200601:01:161145
12Philip HarveyWIMM197201:03:201119
13Michael TsangSLOWM199301:04:021111
14Benjamin MillsWIMM200201:14:13988
15Tom KnightKERNOM200801:16:25961
Showing results 1 - 15 of 15