British Orienteering

Mapping Awards

Maps are an essential element of our sport, hence, we also annually award a number of trophies to encourage high standards of mapping and related activities. Learn more about our mapping awards and how to nominate on this page. 

About our awards and how to nominate

The Map Advisory Group invite annual nominations for the Chichester, Silva and Walsh Trophies and more details will be provided nearer to the time of nominations. Nominations are also invited for the Bonington Trophy, which is awarded for contributions to mapping rather than for the cartography of a specific map.

Nominations for this year's Mapping Awards are now closed. 

Thank you to everyone who nominated and to all our winners!

Mapping Award categories

  • Bonington Trophy
  • Chichester Trophy
  • Silva Trophy 
  • Walsh Trophy

If you would like further information on our mapping awards, please email:

Orienteering Image
Steve McKinley - Bonington Trophy Award winner

2023 Mapping Award Winners

Congratulations to all those who won an award this year and to all of our nominees. Find out who won this year in our news story. 

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How to become a mapper

Discover the roles and responsibilities of a mapper and useful tips and information on how to get started as a volunteer. 

STAG - winners of the Respect the enviornment Award 2023

Club, Coach and Volunteer Awards

Learn more about our Club, Coach & Volunteer Awards, including the categories for nomination, previous winners and more. 

Bonington Trophy

This trophy was donated to British Orienteering by its Honorary President, Sir Chris Bonington, the world famous mountaineer. The trophy consists of a piece of rock collected from the summit of Mount Everest on Chris' 1985 expedition, mounted on a wooden plinth. It is awarded annually for the 'best contribution to mapping' which can cover a whole range of activities related to mapping.

Nominations for the Bonington Trophy

Chichester Trophy

The Chichester Trophy was donated by the Honorary President of the British Orienteering Federation in 1971, Sir Francis Chichester. The Trophy consists of the binnacle compass used on Sir Francis' 'round the world' yacht, Gipsy Moth V, mounted on a wooden plinth. The Trophy was first awarded in 1971 to Robin Harvey and Sue Bone for their map of Leith Hill. It was originally awarded for the Best Map produced in a single year, though later it was awarded for multiple maps or contribution to mapping. In 1985, with the introduction of the 'Bonington Trophy', the 'Chichester Trophy' reverted to the original concept of the best map produced by an amateur mapper.

Nominations for the Chichester Trophy

Silva Trophy 

With the high standard of professionally surveyed and drawn orienteering maps being produced in Britain, the British Orienteering Map Group decided, in 1992, that a new trophy should be awarded in recognition of these mapping companies. The Map Group annually awards the 'Silva Trophy' to the best professionally produced map. This trophy, sponsored by Silva U.K.Ltd. is made from Stourbridge crystal. This irregular shape, called cullet in the trade, is formed when the unused crystal cools. The base was made by Mike Baggott of Harlequins from English elm and the solid silver plate was purchased from a bullion supplier in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter and engraved nearby. 

Nominations for the Silva Trophy

Walsh Trophy

This trophy was made by Mike Baggott of HOC and is sponsored by Walsh Shoes. The trophy is made of old walnut with a triangular cross-section and an etched plate with an image of Canary Wharf, London. It is awarded annually to the best urban or sprint map drawn to ISSOM specification.

Nominations for the Walsh Trophy

Previous Mapping Award Winners

2022 – Simon Errington Hertfordshire Orienteering Club - Ashridge South and East</
2021 – Dominic Dakin SYO - Lodge Moor, Sheffield
2020 – Not Awarded (due to Covid)
2019 – Tony Thornley AIRE - Arncliffe & Kilnsey North
2018 – Rod Postlethwaite WRE - City Centre and Central Forest park – Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent
2017 – Rod Postlethwaite WRE – Wormbridge & The Cockshutt
2016 – Ben Mitchell SBOC – Sugar Loaf
2015 – Tony Thornley AIRE - Monk’s Road
2014 – Rod Postlethwaite WRE Keele University, Highly Commended Robert Dove Rushmere
2013 – Peter Hornsby LEI Loughborough University Central
2012 – Rod Postlethwaite WRE Hameldon / Bruce Bryant OD Brandon Wood, Highly commended:
Bruce Bryant Borough Hill
2011 – Peter Leverington NOR Sheringham Park/Weybourne
2010 – Ian Cooper SYO Burbage Moor, Highly commended: Jim Prowting Wheal Florence, Erik
Peckett Cookworthy, Don Moir Belvoir
2009 – Not Awarded
2008 – Not Awarded
2007 – Not Awarded
2006 – Robert Dove SMOC EAOA Campbell Park
2005 – Bruce Bryant OD WMOA Sutton Park & Hopwas
2004 – Dave Caudwell CLOK NEOA Simonside Hills
2003 – Tony Thornley AIRE YHOA Attermire
2002 – Bruce Bryant OD WMOA Bentley Woods / Mike Hampton OD WMOA The Ragley Estate / David Olivant NOC EMOA Clumber Park / Rod Postlethwaite WRE WMOA The Wrekin
2001 – Not Awarded
2000 – Terry Foxton WYE WMOA Haugh Woods / Colin Spears HOC WMOA Brown Clee
1999 – Alison Sloman HOC WMOA Ribbesford
1998 – Terry Foxton WYE WMOA Worcestershire Beacon
1997 – Jon Sutcliffe PFO NWOA Naden Valley
1996 – Colin Hicks SOC SCOA Stoney Cross
1995 – Not Awarded
1994 – Neil Lawford WCH WMOA Hawksmoor
1993 – Tony Thornley AIRE YHOA
1992 – Rod Postlethwaite WRE WMOA The Wrekin
1991 – Steve Killingbeck NGOC SWOA Danby Lodge
1990 – Peter Seward SBOC WOA Pembrey
1989 – Christopher Shaw HOC SCOA Star Posts
1988 – Dale Paget KERNO SWOA Penhale
1987 – Colin Spears HOC WMOA Brown Clee
1986 – Brian Parker DEVON SWOA Burrator
1985 – Terry Foxton OD WMOA Wyre Forest (BOC maps)
1984 – Pete Lewis SYO YHOA Various (inc. Wharncliffe)
1983 – Forth Valley Orienteers FVO SOA Various
1982 – Mike Nelson BOK SWOA Brierley
1981 – Mel Wilkinson SROC NWOA
1980 – Terry Foxton OD WMOA Various (inc. Sutton Park)
1979 – Tony Thornley NWOA Bethecar Moor
1978 – Peter and Vic Roberts EBOR YHOA
1977 – Dave Gittus WRE WMOA Cannock Forest
1976 – Tony Pennick WCOC NWOA Dalegarth
1975 – Graham Relf SOA Craig A' Barns
1974 – Peter Seward SBOC WOA Resolven
1973 – Brian Barden NWOA Tarn Hows
1972 – David Bradnack and Gillian Richardson SEOA
1971 – Robin Harvey and Sue Bone SEOA Leith Hill

2022 – Ben Mitchell Swansea Bay Orienteering Club – Singleton Park 
2021 – Graham Gristwood FVO – Kinlochleven
2020 – Not awarded due to COVID
2019 – Chris Smithard FVO – Dunfermline
2018 – Peel Land Surveys – Stock Hill 
2017 – Dave Peel, Peel Land Surveys – The Towans & Poldice Mine
2016 – Dave Peel, Peel Land Surveys – Penicuik Ladywood
2015 – Steve Barrett – Glen Affric and Strathfarrar (WOC2015)
2014 – Peel Land Surveys – Pwll Du and Singleton Park
2013 – No entries
2012 – Not awarded
2011 – Graham Gristwood – GO Maps 
2010 – Not awarded
2009 – Stirling Surveys - Dalrulzion. Highly commended: Barry Budden – Loch Ordie.
2008 –
2007 – Deeside Orienteering and Leisure Maps – Camerory
2006 – Roger Maher – Eridge Old Park
2005 – Stirling Surveys – World Cup/ Surrey 5-O Maps
2004 – Map Works - Pwll Ddu
2003 – Jon Sutcliffe Portfolio of GMOA Maps
2002 – Martin Bagness – Simpson Ground and Watermillock
2001 – Peel Land Surveys – Tomvaich Wood
2000 – Peel Land Surveys –Moel y Geifr and Cwm Moch
1999 – Stirling Surveys - Achray Forest
1998 – Peel Land Surveys
1997 – Peel Land Surveys and Brian Parker
1996 – Deeside Orienteering and Leisure Maps
1995 – Stirling Surveys
1994 – Stirling Surveys
1993 – Deeside Orienteering and Leisure Maps
1992 – Stirling Surveys
1991 – Stirling Surveys

2022 – David Olivant Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club
2021 – Greg Best, NGOC
2020 – Martin Bagness WAROC
2019 – Alison Sloman HOK
2018 – Not Awarded
2017 – Trevor Crowe BOK
2016 – Chris Johnson BOK
2015 – Doug Peel WCH
2014 – Ian Cooper SYO
2013 – No submissions
2012 – Oliver O'Brien SLO
2011 – Chris Burden AIRE
2010 – Colin Spears HOC
2009 – Paul Taylor CLOK
2008 – Colin Hicks SOC SCOA
2007 – Peter Jones WRE WMOA
2006 – Jon Sutcliffe PFO NWOA
2005 – Tony Thornley AIRE YHOA
2004 – Dudley Budden BOK SWOA
2003 – Mike George NOR EAOA
2002 – Erik Peckett DEVON SWOA
2001 – Bruce Bryant and Mike Hampton OD WMOA
2000 – Don Scarrott and Tony Pennick WCOC NWOA
1999 – John Mansfield COBOC WMOA
1998 – Dave Caudwell CLOK NEOA
1997 – Steve Smirthwaite MOR SOA
1996 – Peter Hornsby LEI EMOA
1995 – Peter Leverington NOR EAOA
1994 – Terry Foxton
1993 – Bill Simpson LVO NIOA
1992 – Not Awarded
1991 – Peter Roberts EBOR YHOA
1990 – John Dixon NATO NEOA
1989 – David Blair NIOA
1988 – Brian Parker DEVON SWOA
1987 – Peter Roberts EBOR YHOA
1986 – David Bryant and Peter Leverington NOR EAOA

2022 – Simon Errington Hertfordshire Orienteering Club – Welwyn Garden City
2021 – Paul Basher HOC – Redditch Church Hill 
Not awarded due to COVID
2018 – Graham Gristwood FVO – Stirling University
2017 – Graham Gristwood FVO – Abbey Craig and the Wallace Monument
2016 – Dave Peel, Peel Land Surveys – Penicuik Ladywood
2015 – Graham Gristwood – Castlandhill
2014 – Bruce Bryant – Cawston Village. Highly Commended: Graham Gristwood - Stirling and Colin Hicks - Marchwood & McMullen Barracks.
2013 – Simon Errington HH – St Albans. Highly commended: Mike Hampton - West Swindon and Salisbury.
2012 – Paul Taylor CLOK – York University. Highly commended: Oliver O'Brien - City of London, Bruce Bryant - Rough Close; and Rod Postlethwaite - Bridgnorth.
2011 – Rod Postlethwaite WRE – Shrewsbury
2010 – Paul Taylor CLOK – Ripon, Highly commended: Bruce Bryant Central Warwick
2009 – David Olivant NOC EMOA – Nottingham University, Highly commended: Newcastle, Northallerton, Solihull, Bournmouth, University of Kent.
2008 – Bruce Bryant OD WMOA – Warwick University, Highly commended: maps of London, Shrewsbury, Stockport and Exeter.
2007 – Neil Northrop SYO YHOA – Scarborough Bay