British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Sarum Saunter and Southern Championships (UKOL), 09/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
UKOL 3 (M18,M20,M35,M40) (length: 10.1km, climb: 245m, 25 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 1 (M21) | UKOL 2 (W21) | UKOL 4 (M45,M50) | UKOL 5 (M55,W18,W20,W35) | UKOL 6 (M60,W40) | UKOL 7 (M16,W45,W50) | UKOL 8 (M65,W55) | UKOL 9 (M70,W16,W60) | UKOL 10 (M75,W65) | UKOL 11 (M80,W70) | UKOL 12 (W75) | UKOL 13 (M85,W80) | UKOL 14 (W85) | UKOL 15 | 16 Light Green | 17 Orange | 18 Yellow | 19 White

Point calculations
1,214.63 + (76.68 x (5,477.44 - T)) / 936.19
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Michael KrajewskiBAOCM198201:06:431335
2Vince Nagy-KovacsSBOCM200801:16:061289
3Gareth MansfieldBAOCM198501:17:081284
4Terence Desmond DickinsonBAOCM198201:21:291263
5Rory NesbitHHM200801:21:491261
6Harry Bratcher-HowardWIMM200701:21:561261
7Timofey ZorinSLOWM200701:22:091260
8Alex Freeman-HallBAOCM199601:23:491251
9Martin PigottPOTOCM197501:23:581251
10William BlackwellCLOKM200501:25:281243
11Alan BlanchflowerWSXM198501:26:221239
12Juliette SoulardODF197101:31:191215
13Peter ClothierBOKM197001:39:541172
14Chun Yan Alistair FuWAOCM200801:40:381169
15Jack KnightKERNOM200601:43:391154
16Tom KnightKERNOM200801:43:401154
17Andrew PitcherDFOKM196401:55:081097
18GRANT CLARKEBAOCM198001:55:191097
19Seth LawsonNGOCM200802:00:541069
20Narbahadur GurungBAOCM198802:04:271052
21Oliver HeckfordWSXM200702:07:181038
-Luke BennettDFOKM200801:27:59
Showing results 1 - 22 of 22