British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gillingham Urban (UKOL), 08/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
WUV (length: 4.85km, climb: 35m, 16 controls)

Other courses: MO | MV | WO | MSV | WV | MUV | WSV | JM | JW | 7 | YJM | YJW

Point calculations
878.34 + (109.43 x (2,478.04 - T)) / 486.50
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Lindsey KnoxRRF195900:29:291038
2Janet RosenHHF195500:30:271025
3Gerry AllanBAOCM196700:31:381009
4Jill BlountSOF196000:33:09988
5Janice NisbetESOCF195300:33:59977
6Kirsty StauntonWIMF195600:35:05962
7Linda PakulsWIMF195700:35:20959
8Dave MullinsSARUMM194900:36:43940
9Jasmine BennettSOF195300:37:03936
10Jim ProwtingTVOCM194600:38:49912
11Denise MullinsSARUMF195100:39:44899
12Sheila GoldWSXF195400:40:23891
13Tony HextQOM194800:40:49885
14Beryl PringSAXF194600:41:33875
15Roger HargreavesKERNOM194700:42:07867
16Sue HandsWIMF194800:42:22864
17Michael HamptonODM194600:44:01842
18Richard RaeBKOM194600:44:17838
19Hilary PickeringWIMF195400:45:47818
20Julie K AstinWSXF195300:45:56816
21Marie RobertsMDOCF195800:46:39806
22Roger CraddockQOM194100:50:18757
23Charlotte ThorntonSARUMF194500:53:27714
24Roger MaherSOM193800:54:14704
25Ruth RhodesSOF194200:54:35699
26David BattisonSARUMM194600:55:55681
27Elsie HargreavesKERNOF194600:58:06652
28Brian YatesESOCM194401:02:25593
-Denise HarperBKOF195000:45:55
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29