British Orienteering has developed a Teacher training pathway aimed at teaching through schools and outdoor education, by people who need to know the basics of Orienteering instruction but do not wish to proceed to be assessed after that training. There is a progression into further Coaching Awards that are available from British Orienteering.
Teaching Orienteering Part 1
Teaching Orienteering Part 2
Young Leader Award
The only prerequisite is that you must be over 16 years of age. It will be an advantage although not essential if you have knowledge of orienteering prior to the course.
Introduce the basic skills of orienteering to beginners in a fun and exciting way on areas that are safe such as school sites or outdoor centre grounds. You will also be able to deliver simple competitions for participants.
On the course you will be provided with the knowledge you require to introduce the basic skills of orienteering and be given the opportunity to discuss and practice using this knowledge. The course is 6 hours and practical in nature and you will be expected to join in with group discussions and activities.
Introduce children to orienteering in a safe environment
This course is not assessed; following the training candidates will receive a certificate of attendance. Candidates wishing to gain a formal, assessed qualification should talk to a tutor to identify the most appropriate route for them to take.
Please see the Coaching Courses page
You must be over 16 years of age and have attended the Teaching Orienteering Part 1 course or former British Orienteering Level 1 course
Introduce the skills of orienteering, specified below, to children or adults in a fun and exciting way on small areas with clear boundaries that have been risk assessed as safe. You will also be able to deliver a range of orienteering competitions.
On the course, you will be provided with the knowledge you require to introduce the advanced skills of orienteering identified below and be given the opportunity to discuss and practice using this knowledge. The course is 6 hours and practical in nature, you will be expected to join in with group discussions and activities.
Develop orienteering skills in small areas with clear boundaries that have been risk assessed as safe for the level of participants involved.
Use your previous knowledge of planning learning programmes to plan programmes that include the use of a compass, scale, distance understanding, basic contours and the techniques required for the relevant external school examination.
Deliver orienteering sessions that achieve the outcomes of the learning programmes.
Organise and deliver a range of orienteering competitions.
Is there assessment – if so what form does it take?
This course is not assessed; following the training candidates will receive a certificate of attendance. Candidates wishing to gain a formal, assessed qualification should talk to a tutor to identify the most appropriate route for them to take.
Please see the Coaching Courses Page
The pack includes lesson plans, all resources, candidate handouts and the registration fee.
Tutor Pack Cost - £40 (Inc P&P) available from British Orienteering Office.
Each successful participant will receive a certificate to show they have completed the course. Certificates cost £1.00 each (Inc P&P) and can be ordered in bulk.
Further information about the course is available from Development Team who can be contacted through British Orienteering.